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Beats 1.2b

A quick update with a few changes that’ll hopefully fix a lot of crashes and make your gameplay experience a lot better ; 3

Going through the crash reports, I quickly realized that there were a lot of bugs that involved simple fixes, or, in the case of .sm file parsing, simple error catches. I admit, the current .sm compatibility of Beats isn’t so great. After all, I wrote the parser (alongside the rest of the alpha build of the app) in under 48hrs (sleep, or rather lack thereof, included), so things are very, VERY buggy. I will be completely rewriting it when I add in .dwi support in the next major release, and that’ll solve all the incompatibility issues. See the middle of this post for an example of what I mean.

Anyway, a lot of nice interface stuff changed. Pause/resume isn’t as clunky as before. Jumps On/Off setting was added as per request. OGG offset for the lazy who don’t want to convert their .ogg files (for me on my Samsung Captivate, I have the setting at -0.325s). Actually working loading and .smzip installing dialogs!

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, our website is getting major revamps recently, so a downloads url change was needed. We’re still looking into the convenient downloads idea, so please check it out and reply with your thoughts here. As always, make sure to read over the items listed on my neat and tidy To-Do list (which also includes the changelog and development progress).

Thank you for downloading Beats, Advance Rhythm Game! Make sure to check out the Downloads section of the website and check out our new forums. If you encounter any bugs, have any issues, or just want to leave comments/suggestions on the forums!

Download: Google Play (Mirror 1 / Mirror 2)



BeatsPortable: http://beatsportable.com/2010/10/beats-1-2b/
BeatsPortable Forums: http://beatsportable.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=4

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