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Akihabara Shopping Map 2013

NOTE: This is partially outdated, will post an updated map later.

While planning out my Japan trip Akihabara shopping spree, I spend some a lot of time researching all the figure/doll/gunpla stores and mapping them out. I figure this might be useful for others in the future. Here’s the map and please let me know if you can think of any important stores in the Akihabara area that I missed ^_^

Online Google map link: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=216291585881164541606.0004c0510f2cf86838ec4

– Dots = full day shopping
– Solid = make sure to check out
– Pin = if have time
– Food = cafe
– Green = multiple
– Red = figures
– Yellow = dolls
– Purple = books
– Pink = specialty
– Orange = roads/paths covered
– # = planned day of visit

Shops Breakdown
Day Pri Category Area Location Address Description/Notes
1 1 Shopping Akihabara Volks Hobby Tengoku 1-15-20 Sotokanda Figures, doujinshi, doll items, EVERYTHING!
1 1 Café Akihabara Good Smile Café 1-7-6 Sotokanda Café, museum, merchandise
1 1 Shopping Akihabara Figure R 3-1-1 Sotokanda Multi-level doll store
2 2 Shopping Akihabara Hobby Station 1-10-11 Sotokanda Second hand figures
2 3 Shopping Akihabara Melonbooks 2F/Parts Paradise 3F 1-10-5 Sotokanda Books, doujinshi, gunpla parts
2 2 Shopping Akihabara K-Books 1F/2F/4F 1-7-6 Sotokanda Books, doujinshi, cosplay, open boxes
2 2 Shopping Akihabara Kotobukiya 1-8-8 Sotokanda Multi-floor, overpriced figures store
2 2 Tourism Akihabara Tsukomo Robot Kingdom 2F 1-9-9 Sotokanada Robots!!!
2 1 Shopping Akihabara Mandarake COMPLEX 3-11-12 Sotokanda Figures, doujinshi, doll items, EVERYTHING!
2 2 Café Akihabara Maid in Angels 3-2-2 Sotokanda English speaking maid café
3 2 Shopping Akihabara Gamers 1-14-7 Sotokanda Anime and game merchandise
3 2 Shopping Akihabara Liberty 12 & 13 1-15-15 Sotokanda Second hand figures
3 3 Tourism Akihabara M's Sex Store 1-15-3 Sotokanda Bunch of adult sex toys and other fun stuff
3 1 Shopping Akihabara Radio Kaikan 1-15-4 Sotokanda Figures, doujinshi, doll items, EVERYTHING!
3 2 Shopping Akihabara Dolk 2-17-4 Kanda Sudacho Doll items
3 2 Café Akihabara @ Home Maid Café 1-11-4 Sotokanda English speaking maid café
4 2 Shopping Akihabara Kamifuusen 3-10 Sotokanda Second hand figures
4 2 Shopping Akihabara Yellow Submarine 3-14-9 Sotokanda Second hand figures
4 2 Shopping Akihabara Liberty 1 3-4-6 Sotokanda Second hand figures
4 1 Café Akihabara Little BSD 3-7-12 Sotokanda Cosplay themed maid café
4 3 Shopping Akihabara Sofmap 4 3F 4-4-3 Sotokanda Figures
4 2 Shopping Akihabara Liberty 7 4-5-1 Sotokanda Second hand figures
4 1 Shopping Akihabara Liberty 8 4-7-1 Sotokanda Second hand figures
5 2 Shopping Akihabara COSPA 3-15 Sotokanda Multi-level various merchandise
5 2 Café Akihabara Neko JaLaLa Cat Café 3-5-5 Sotokanda Neko café!
5 2 Shopping Akihabara White Canvas 3-9 Sotokanda Touhou merchandise
5 3 Shopping Akihabara Comic Tora no Ana 4-3-1 Sotokanda Books, doujinshi
5 3 Shopping Akihabara Animate 4-3-2 Sotokanda Anime and game merchandise
5 3 Shopping Akihabara Don Quijote 4-3-3 Sotokanda Multi-level bargain store
6 1 Café Akihabara Gundam Café 1-1 Kanda Hanaokacho GUNDAMMM!!!
6 1 Shopping Akihabara Yodobashi Akihabara 1-1 Kanda Hanaokacho DUTY FREE + COUPON = Cheapest gunpla!!!
6 2 Shopping Akihabara DOLLCE 1-2-27 Kanda Izumicho Doll wigs

Main shops (for me):
Mandarake Complex
3-11-12 Sotokanda
Tall black building.
Figures, dolls, doujinshi, EVERYTHING!
This is the everything-second-hand store. Figures, doll items, books, doujinshis, etc. You can easily spend an entire day there. I might end up spending 2 orz.

Radio Kaikan
1-15-4 Sotokanda
Yellow board with red and blue Japanese text.
Figures, dolls, doujinshi, EVERYTHING!
This is actually a huge building made up of many different stores. Note that due to the earthquake, some websites will have outdated info on what stores are in it. Regardless, plenty of second hand stuff and rented sale boxes. Also another full-day exploration.

Volks Hobby Tengoku
1-15-20 Sotokanda
Multi-floor, red VS logo
Figures, doujinshi, doll items, EVERYTHING!
For me, this is a major store because this is where I’ll be buying most of my parts for building my first Dollfie Dream. It is multi-stories tall and contains figures, model kits, doll items, etc. It’s pretty big, and I’ll definitely be exploring it apart from the doll section.

Liberty Store #8
4-7-1 Sotokanda
Large multi-floor store, yellow on blue text
Second hand figures
The biggest of the many Liberty stores, sells second-hand figures. Plan on doing a lot of digging here if I can’t find it in Mandarake.

Yodobashi Akihabara
1-1 Kanda Hanaokacho
Tall building, black comic text, near station
DUTY FREE + COUPON = Cheapest gunpla!!!
Like Bic Camera and Don Quiote, you’ll find pretty much everything here. And by everything I also mean electronics and non-otaku goods. I’m mainly going here though for buying gunpla, because with it’s already cheap prices, duty free, and a 5% off VISA coupon, it’s pretty much guaranteed to have the lowest gunpla prices.

I’ll probably post something more comprehensive when I actually visit and take pictures. If you notice your favourite store missing from that list, letme know and I’ll try to visit it too ^_^


MyFigureCollection: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/8312

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