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Saber Lily DD Photoshoot

For the full Saber Lily DD unboxing and review, see my previous post

Saber Lily, the Princess of Knights

In between unboxing and putting together Saber Lily (see link above), I took some time to take nice, clean pictures of her in her various outfit. For some of the pictures, I tried to copy various poses from the pamphlet or PVC figures of Saber Lily. For others, OhnoRaptors help out. Here they are, enjoy!

Lingerie Outfit
Saber Lily, showing off her sexy underwear.

Elegant white stockings with patterned frills and a garterbelt strap

Not all that much a fan of the corset, meh

Alluring ;3

Dress Outfit
Neat and elegantly sitting pose ^_^

Picture perfect!

From more angles so you can see the beautiful dress better

Holding Caliburn, really liked how this photo turned out

Holding Caliburn, standing up this time

Based on the promo pic on the back of the pamphlet/instruction manual

Looks both elegant and alluring with an air of dignity

My attempt at posing Lily like Alphamax’s 1/7 Saber Lily figure.
Unfortunately the DDII body is nowhere near flexible enough, as you can tell from her awkwardly positioned legs, and Caliburn turned out to be way too long (or maybe in the figure it’s way too short?). I’ll probably be buying Lily a new DDIII body once it becomes available via Volks USA.

Lets just hide the legs in this closer zoom in ^_^

Posed based on Banpresto’s Saber Lily SQ prize figure.
Doesn’t actually look that good zoomed out (I’m not a fan of the original figure pose either) so I only kept this picture.

Posed based on GSC’s 1/7 Saber Lily ~Golden Caliburn~ figure.
This was actually a really hard pose to do because 1) Lily’s glove hands don’t actually have any grip (I had to use some white sticky tack which you can see if you zoom in), and 2) Lily’s DDII body’s arm joints are really loose but also inflexible so keeping her elbows bend and up light that required some weird joint twisting.
Really want to upgrade her to a DDIII body >_<

From another angle. I really like this pose, it’s nice and dynamic ^_^

Seated in her “throne”

Armour Set
The proud and noble King Arturia. Pose based on pamphlet/promo pics.

From different angles

I ask of you, are you my master? (yes ^_^)

One of the poses of the Max Factory Saber Lily figma

Pose from Alter’s 1/8 Saber Lily figure

Another nice portrait

Pose from GSC’s 1/7 Saber Lily ~Distant Avalon~ figure. My favourite Saber Lily figure and pose. Also the absolute hardest to do with this DD cause not only are the arms really heavy due to the armour pieces and thus hard to keep in position without dropping down, but her center of balance is really poor and her front chest plate keeps falling off every time I try to adjust her arms >_< No sticky tack needed this time though, and well worth the effort!

From an inner angle

From an outer angle

So cool! ;3

Saber Lily with her Lion plush from Volk’s Saber Plain Clothes Set

Way too cute @_@

Omake 2
Saber Lily meets Maid Aoi. Servant x Servant ^_^

The grumpy princess and her white knight

I hope you enjoyed these photos of Saber Lily. I’m really happy I got her and am definitely looking forward to more photo-shoots with her. Especially once my custom Arcueid V1 is done so I can recreate some epic Arcueid vs Saber fight scenes from T-MOON Complex (or, you know, just have them get along at Ahnenerbe, happily sipping tea). Either way, look forward to the next set of DD photos!


Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keripo/sets/72157636385589925
MyFigureCollection: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/10682
Figure.fm: http://www.figure.fm/en/post/50790/Saber+Lily+DD.html

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