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Beats 1.5.4b

Due to a busy school and job-finding schedule, I haven’t had much time to work on any of the stuff in my huge To-Do List. The Beats user-base, however, has proven to be very eager in seeing the progress of this project and many individuals have actually helped me with translating Beats into other languages. Turns out, for example, the top four countries in terms of user base are USA (34%), South Korea (22%), China (21%), and Japan (6%) despite having no official Android Market in either China or Korea and no translations for any of the latter three.

In addition to various minor fixes as listed in the Changelog, thanks to the following users for helping localize Beats:

  • Russian: burdik
  • Italian: disaster.ita
  • Dutch: XWing Ace
  • German: pluri
  • Chinese: arthur020
  • Finnish: Patrik Selin
  • Spanish: Glas
  • Korean: bunny1

Apart from localizations, I am currently working on integrating Immersion’s new MOTIV haptic feedback technology, meaning you will literally feel the rhythm of your music in Beats 1.6b (or at least feel more engaged in the gameplay with new vibration effects). If you are interested in following the development of Beats and/or helping with translating Beats into your native language (日本は、私はあなたで探しています!), please join the Google group. As well, make sure to Like the new Beats facebook page (also on the website’s side bar to the right)!

For those unable to access the Android Market or wish to install Beats manually, you can download the latest version via the revamped Download page (use the last link on the page).

Download: Google Play (Mirror 1 / Mirror 2)


BeatsPortable: http://beatsportable.com/2011/03/beats-1-5-4b/
BeatsPortable Forums: http://beatsportable.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=932

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