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Japan Trip 2013 – Akihabara P5

See Flickr for the complete photo set

Meidocafe and, of course, moar Akihabara <3

Akihabaraaaa! (stupid truck)

First stop, the popular chain maid cafe, @home cafe

4 floors of meido-action. We just went to the first floor

See see no touch!

I have to admit, better than the Gundam cafe (in both taste and looks) – probably due to the Moe-moe-kyun! spell

You get called up on “stage” to get your picture taken with a maid (in exchange for money of course)

Mai meido et moi

The disappearing neko

If you got the set, you get a membership card and a box of cookies (is it just me or does that look like Hayate?)

Played around at the Hey arcade

Under Night In-Birth, the next French Bread fighting game post-Melty Blood Actress Again Code Current. Looked pretty good but I was too pansy to fight the Japanese guy across from me so I just watched.

Here’s some gameplay video of Mr. Mysterious Nihonjin on the last boss (lots of background noise, since we were in the arcade fighting game section)

Kido Senshi Gundam: Senjo no Kizuna, aka Gundam pods. I played some last year and while somewhat fun, way too low resolution and awkward controls ; /

Beatmania IIDX corner

jubeat, the rhythm game that I fell in love. So many 100 yens spent on this, mostly playing “Only My Railgun” and “PonPonPon

First attempt at Only My Railgun (6)

First attempt at PonPonPon (7) – by the end of the trip I could full combo this (but still came in last against local players, QQ)

Vstone Robot Center, what paradise!

Radio Kaikan! (new building beside the old one)

Floor 1 rental boxes

Different stores on all floors

Azone store on F6, took lots of pics ^_^

My favourite in the entire store

Gamers, home of Di Gi Charat!

There was a special display for the upcoming Code Geass and Idolm@ster prize figures

More Gamers

Kantouku loli

Ramen break!

SEGA arcade

Also enjoyed some MaiMai, though I found its scoring system way too lenient ; /

Miku itashi spotted! (no good pic though)

Got to end the day with some desert of course!

Stay tuned for more Japan Akihabara goodness!


MyFigureCollection: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/8862
Figure.fm: http://www.figure.fm/en/post/49157/Japan+Akihabara+P5.html

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