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Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~ Omakes (TYPE-MOON)

NSFW/spoiler warning: This is a review of an 18+ eroge. It contains screenshots of NSFW H scenes (put into spoilers). It also contains game/content spoilers.

Included in the Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~ CD were a bunch of extra omake material that was later also included in Tsukihime PLUS+DISC (except Clowick Canaan-vail). Each of these are reviewed here separately.

CD content/file structure

UPDATE 2019/07/10:
Upon further inspection of file timestamps and comparing it to release dates, I realized some mistakes (on my part) in this article. Specifically, the following corrections have been made:
– “Tsukihime (Preview Edition)” has been corrected to “Tsukihime (Trial Edition)”
– “Tsukihime (Preview Edition) web version” has been corrected to “Tsukihime (Preview)”
– “Tsukihime (Trial Edition)” has been corrected to “Tsukihime (Demo)”
The content of this article has been rearranged and updated accordingly and with more background info.

Clowick Canaan-vail

MyAnimeList entry

“Clowich Canaan-Vail” is a short manga drawn by Takeuchi, originally included in the doujinshi Angel Voice” published by Takeuchi and Nasu at Comitia 48 (Strife212 has a quick review of Angel Voice here). Based on what I saw (can’t read Japanese, orz), it is about a robot post-woman who helps deliver an important letter to a couple.

In the version included here, the manga is shown as a “digital takenohon”, i.e. the manga’s panels are shown (with some sliding animation) while the dialog is digitally overlayed (instead of being inside the speech bubbles). Essentially, it was like a short visual novel.

Run “rplay.exe” under AppLocale (I can’t tell the difference between rplay.exe and rplayh.exe). The main menu looks like a menu, but I can’t figure out how to navigate it. Pressing ‘Z’ will start the comic, with repeated presses skipping pages. Pressing ‘V’ will show you some debug draw call numbers. Pressing Enter exits the program.

Main menu

Intro credit

Intro credit 2

Title screen

Random screenshot 1

Random screenshot 2

Random screenshot 3

Random screenshot 4

Random screenshot 5

Random screenshot 6

Random screenshot 7

Random screenshot 8

Random screenshot 9

Random screenshot 10

Random screenshot 11



Tsukihime (Preview)

TYPE-MOON official page
Tsuki-kan entry
Original website (Archive)

Tsukihime (Preview) was distributed during Summer Comiket 56 (1999-08-15) in the form of free 3.5″ floppy disks. Only 300 copies were made, making it one of the rarest Tsukihime collectors items and the earliest of TYPE-MOON’s digital content. Contained in the floppy disk were a series of informational profiles and planning material for Tsukihime in the form of an offline web portal. The web portal includes general game info, a game synopsis, and then character info (including original character designs, face expression sketches, one example scene with CG, and one H-scene with CG. The characters shown were:
– Arueid: アルクエイド = ブリュンスタッド (Arkaid = Brynsted)
– Akiha: 遠野 秋葉
– Ciel: シエル (Ciel)
– Hisui and Kohaku: 翡翠と琥珀

Fun facts:
Apparently the original Tsukihime home page was http://tsukihime.virtualave.net/ – this website apparently only lived through three iterations before becoming a redirect. Incidentally, Bamboo Broom’s website also went through a number of changes while Tsukihime was being developed before all offloading it to typemoon.com. Also of note is the inconsistent misromanization of “月姫” to “Tukihime” instead of “Tsukihime”. My favourite TYPE-MOON doujinshi circle, Crazy Clover Club, also seems to have this same issue (see the cover for “Tukihime Complex Complete”). Arcueid’s name also used to be “Arkaid”. Thank goodness for the change!

Open “omake\99年夏コミ無料配布告知版\index.html” in a web browser supporting Japanese Shift-JIS.

Main page

Arcueid’s profile

Arcueid face sketches

Arcueid’s route draft

Arcueid’s route draft 2

Akiha event

Akiha faces

Spoiler for

Akiha H scene

Akiha character design

Arcueid event

Arcueid faces

Spoiler for

Arcueid H scene

Arcueid character design

Ciel event

Ciel faces

Spoiler for

Ciel H scene

Ciel character design

Spoiler for

Hisui and Kohaku H scene

Hisui and Kohaku character design

Hisui character design

Kohaku character design

Arcueid event

Draft title screen

Tsukihime (Trial Edition)

TYPE-MOON official page
Tsuki-kan entry
VNDB entry

Tsukihime (Trial Edition) was sold during Comiket 57 (1999/12/24) in the form of 3.5″ floppy disks. Only 50 copies were made, making it one of the rarest Tsukihime collectors items and the first “playable” version of Tsukihime. The game contains a mix of text info, partial plot and CG. There’s 6 menu options. They all run in NScripter visual novel style (but without supporting ‘Z’).

The game script is referred to internally as “月姫冬コミスクリプト – ストーリー” in the NScripter script and runs on NScripter Ver.1.05. Here’s the header of the decoded nscript.dat file:

Spoiler for
; Copyright (C) 1999,2000 TYPE-MOON AllRight Reserved.
; TYPE-MOON Start Script File for NScripter Ver.1.05
; title : 月姫冬コミスクリプト – ストーリー
; file : 3.txt
; written : N.Kiyotake
; start : 19991205
; update : 19991218

Run “omake\99年冬コミ体験版\tsukihime\月姫.exe” under AppLocale.
The game will start in full-screen mode. Use the second menu button’s second option to switch to windowed mode. Use mouse to click the menu items and use the Enter key to advance the dialogs.

The first choice seems to give text-only background info about TYPE-MOON.
The second is more blocks of text, possibly the game’s synopsis.
The third is character introductions, with uncoloured sketches – check out how much all the character designs have changed, from Preview (above) to Trial (below) to Remake (especially Ciel!)
The fourth is the game’s first H-scene, with Arcueid Brunestud as the first female heroine. I was kinda surprised they didn’t rape the maids first, given Takeuchi’s love for maids.
The fifth features Kohaku and Hisui in ugly green and blue maid outfits (thank goodness they changed it!) talking about the development of the game, with some fun drawings of Arcueid, Akiha, and what I assume is Ciel.
The sixth menu item quits the game.

Original TYPE-MOON logo? Never saw it anywhere else afterwards…

“Tsukihime”, in an odd stylization also never used elsewhere

Main menu CG featuring Kohaku and Hisui, not used in released game

Menu option 1

Background info about TYPE-MOON

Menu option 2

Game synopsis?

Menu option 3

Arcueid character design sketches

Arcueid character design sketches 2

Akiha character design sketches

Akiha character design sketches 2

Ciel character design sketches

Ciel character design sketches 2

Hisui character design sketches

Kohaku character design sketches

Menu option 4

CG draft sketch for Arcueid’s route

Spoiler for

HCG draft sketch for Arcueid

Spoiler for

HCG draft sketch for Arcueid 2

Spoiler for

HCG draft sketch for Arcueid 3

Menu option 5

Early gameplay screenshot featuring Kohaku in her early green outfit (changed later), not used in released game

Early gameplay screenshot featuring Hisui in her early green outfit (changed later), not used in released game

Early gameplay screenshot featuring Hisui and Kohaku in their early outfit colours (changed later), not used in released game

Arcueid saying something

Akiha being angry

Nasu can’t be bothered

And that’s that!

Tsukihime (Demo)

Online download (Archive)

This is a test demo that was created between the Trial Edition and Half Moon Edition. It was released online and freely available for download through the Bamboo Broom website. The “demo” is pretty much a straightforward 3 minute long trailer introducing the characters and some CG with text (all using the NScripter engine). The game auto-starts and auto-closes on finish. Arcueid, Ciel, Akiha, Hisui, and Kohaku are introduced in that order, with some CG in between (including one with Aoko and shota Shiki, and one 18+ one in spoilers below). Nrvnqsr Chaos (Nero) also gets a CG, but no introduction. The preview ends with a promise of the Half Moon Edition releasing in Summer 2000 (which it did, at Comiket 58) and the Full Moon Edition releasing Winter 2000 (which it did, at Comiket 59).

The game is referred to internally as “月姫 -デモ-” and the script is referred to as “月姫 テストフロー – 定義ファイル” in the NScripter script and runs on NScripter Ver.1.21. Here’s the header of the decoded nscript.dat file:

Spoiler for
; Copyright (C) 1999,2000 TYPE-MOON AllRight Reserved.
; TYPE-MOON Define File for NScripter Ver.1.21
; title : 月姫 テストフロー – 定義ファイル
; file : 0.txt
; written : N.Kiyotake
; Ver.0.1 : 2000/04/08 作成
; Ver.1.0 : 2000/07/15 夏コミVersion

; 定義ブロック開始

; 実行ファイル設定
versionstr “月姫 -デモ-“, “TYPE-MOON”

;mousecursor “cursor.cur”

caption “月姫”

killmenu 5

killmenu 4

Run “omake\デモ版\月姫デモ.exe” under AppLocale.
The game will start in full-screen mode. Use the second menu button’s second option to switch to windowed mode.

Credits splash


The lunar princess

Arcueid intro

CG later used in the game – the start of Plan “Boy H”…

Ciel intro

CG later used in the game – Ciel

Akiha intro

Spoiler for

HCG later used in the game – Kohaku and Akiha

Hisui intro

Kohaku intro

CG later used in the game – Hisui

CG later used in the game – Nero

CG later used in the game – flashback

CG later used in the game – blood scene

This CG is later redrawn

More familiar main menu CG

Predicted release dates (that, surprisingly, end up being accurate, unlike some other games *cough Mahouyo cough*)

Valkyria NEAV SAGA

Tsuki-kan entry
MyAnimeList entry
The Fifth Heaven of Hlodj fan page

This is the embedded images web version of the first “Valkyria NEAV SAGA Episode00” manga. The manga was first released during Comitia 48, then rereleased as a compilation with “Valkyria NEAV SAGA II (released during Comitia 50) during Comiket 57. It is the first half of the third part of the Valkyria series of mangas released by Takeuchi early on before he and Nasu formed the TYPE-MOON circle.

The web pages are just a series of embedded scans of each 11 pages, with an additional afterword by Takeuchi where he talks about how short it is, talks about adding a next part in the next Comitia (ends up being 2 later), and thanks those who bought the paper copy of the issue.

Not knowing much about the Valkyria storyline (and again, not knowing Japanese), I couldn’t really figure out much of what was going on other than seeing people kill each other, in early-Takeuchi art style.

Open “omake\ワルキューレ「ニーヴサガ」\index.html”.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

Page 10

Page 11

Kara no Kyoukai

TYPE-MOON official page
Tsuki-kan entry
MyAnimeList entry

These are the first four chapters of Kara no Kyoukai, saved as Microsoft Word 6.0 documents. They are as originally published online. These four chapters were also included in Tsukihime PLUS+DISC, then later published along with the final three chapters at Comiket 61 (winter 2001).

The chapter names are as follows, each with multiple parts
– 第一話「俯瞰風景」 – Chapter 1 “Fukan Fukei” (“Overlooking the Scenery”): フカン-1.doc, フカン-2.doc, フカン-3.doc
– 第二話「殺人考察(前)」 – Chapter 2 “Satsuji Kousatsu (Zen)” (“Murder Speculation (Part 1)): コウサツ-1.doc, コウサツ-2.doc, コウサツ-3.doc
– 第三話「痛覚残留」 – Chapter 3 “Tsukaku Zanryu” (“Remaining Sense of Pain”): ツウカク-1.doc, ツウカク-2.doc, ツウカク-3.doc, ツウカク-4.doc, ツウカク-5.doc, ツウカク-6.doc
– 第四話「伽藍の洞」 – Chapter 4 “Garan no Dou” (“The Hollow Shrine”): ガラン1.doc, ガラン2.doc, ガラン3.doc, ガラン4.doc
Found in “omake\空の境界”.

Chapter 1 of Kara no Kyoukai

These are a random series of graphics (not sure why they’re called “wallpapers”.
– aki_his_koha.BMP – Early sketch of Akiha, Hisui, and Kohaku in an alternate style, also appearing in Tsukihime Kurohon
– ark_ciel.BMP – Early sketch of Arcueid and Ciel in an alternate style, also appearing in Tsukihime Kurohon
– frier.BMP – A “flyer” for Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~, featuring character bios and some semi-complete CGs (rape the maids!)
– his_koha.BMP – Menu background image for Tsukihime (Trial Edition), featuring early versions of Hisui and Kohaku
– kirihara01.BMP – Sketch of Arcueid, by Kirihara Kotori, a close friend of Takeuchi’s (they frequently contributed guest pages in each others doujinshis)
– kirihara02.BMP – Sketch of Hisui, by Kirihara Kotori
– moon.BMP – CD cover image for Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~
Open “omake\壁紙”.

Early sketch of Akiha, Hisui, and Kohaku in an alternate style

Early sketch of Arcueid and Ciel in an alternate style

A “flyer” for Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~, featuring character bios and some semi-complete CGs (rape the maids!)

Menu background image for Tsukihime (Preview Edition), featuring early versions of Hisui and Kohaku

Sketch of Arcueid, by Kirihara Kotori, a close friend of Takeuchi’s (they frequently contributed guest pages in each others doujinshis)

Sketch of Hisui, by Kirihara Kotori

CD cover image for Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~


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