The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is a series of gaming conventions held in three different locations every year and one of the biggest in North America (right after E3). The biggest of the three, PAX Prime, is held in Seattle, with PAX Prime 2013 held last long weekend (Friday Aug 31 to Monday Sept 2nd). I have previously attended plenty of anime cons, but this would be my first PAX and video game convention. Got a 4-day pass from a friend but was only able to attend 3 of the days since I had work on Friday (Monday was Labour Day in the US).
Me wielding a Monster Hunter sword at PAX Prime 2013
Although not directly related to anime, I noticed a decent overlap in attendees as well as a good number of cosplayers. Spent most of my time walking around, attending some game development panels, taking pictures of cosplayers, and grabbing free “swag”. Below are some photos from the convention.
See Flickr for the complete photo set.
Day 1 (Friday)
Didn’t attend, had work to do ;<
Day 2 (Saturday)
Washington State Convention & Trade Center, the convention centre PAX was held at:
4-day pass:
Welcome to PAX!
Friends from my local anime club/mahjong club
Random convention centre shots
Showfloor - I didn't really know what most things were (since I don't follow the gaming industry much anymore), but I took a bunch of pictures anyway
Was really tempted to buy a Canti FLCL shirt, but then I remembered that $20 is like half a cheap PVC figure, so I passed.
Cosplayers wandering around, I was a bit too shy the first day to stop and ask any for pics
Other side of the showroom
All I could think of when I saw this was "Saber would probably approve"
NVidia had this pretty cool demo where they gave out free T-shirts that could be used for green-screening. If you saw "You win" in your shirt, you get a prize.
Bought a DOOM Cacodemon plush cause it looked cute and friendly ^_^
Holy crap was the PC free-play area huge...
Try out Final Fantasy XIV: ARR and you get a free (oversized) loot bag and a poster. I've already played the closed beta (and found it boring) but the oversized loot bag was pretty nifty.
My friend was slowly armouring himself up with free loot bags. Soon, he'll be like the Cardboard Box Gundam
There was an entire section of the building dedicated to Magic The Gathering
The legendary artist, rk post[/url] was also there, but I didn't have anything for him to sign and I already have way too many anime posters needing to be put up to buy more posters ; /
More showfloor area, somewhere. I tend to get lost easily so I just followed my friends around since they seemed to know where they were going.
Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F had a booth, complete with two official cosplayers and some PS3s hooked up for playing. If you played, you got a foam head-bonking stick that lights up.
But he will out-bonk you
XBOX One and PS4 section
We called him Bromura
There was a huge lineup to get into the League of Legends room - I don't play LoL so I didn't even bother
Instead, killed some time in the console gaming room
Wandered around taking pics
Lunch time, omnomnom
Sat in on a panel about open source and Minecraft. Was somewhat interesting (as a developer, not as a Minecraft player)
Some random cosplays
Me posing with a giant Monster Hunter sword
Back on the showfloor
Some statues
ThinkGeek booth, bought a Turret plush for only $20
Participated in some videogame trivia. My team won the first round, then failed miserably the next 7 rounds orz
Some Zelda statue I assume.
Decided to drop by the night concert to check it out. Instantly regretted it. A bunch of guys rapping really loudly on stage.
Day 3 (Sunday)
Start your day with some nice cosplay!