So I was updating my MFC collections lists today (since the Spring Tsukihime Bottle Caps just arrived in mail, bought from Yahoo Auctions Japan) and I realized that my TYPE-MOON Collection list had hit 300 items (with MFC entries, and almost 500 if you include those without)! It’s been less than two years since I got my first TYPE-MOON figure (and it was a bootleg too!) and I’ve been able to reduce my TYPE-MOON wishlist down to just 11 items (with MFC entries, and a small handful more items without).

Rant about me and TYPE-MOON:
While I have yet to get a chance to take a complete photograph of my collection (mainly since there are many things still needing to be unboxed, I have been painstakingly keeping my MFC collection lists up to date. The last time I paused to step back and look at my collection was when I “completed” my TYPE-MOON PC Collection (it wasn’t fully completed because I went on and managed to hunt down Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~). I figured I’d take a screenshot snapshot of my collection that I could go back to and compare later down the road in a year or two.
Note: The “100%” refers to figures/collectables/plushies only – I only selectively collect artbook material/media items and occasionally stationary
– TYPE-MOON Collection
– Arcueid Brunestud (100%)
– Wishlist – TYPE-MOON
– Wishlist – Waiting
By series:
– CANAAN (100%)
– Carnival Phantasm (100%)
– Fate (no target)
– Kara no Kyoukai (100%)
– Mahou Tsukai no Yoru (~95%)
– Tsukihime/Melty Blood (~95%)
Moving forward, still got plenty to do. Still trying to hunt down those last few missing items on my TYPE-MOON wishlist, still waiting on a few TYPE-MOON figures on my general watch/waiting list, still got to add MFC entries for all those collectables/doujinshi in the list description above, still got to unbox and re-photograph pretty much everything (since I got a proper camera now and proper photography corner in my new place), and still got to work on my new and upcoming personal website, Keripo’s Corner.
Busy, busy, gotta keep going!