Welcome… to “The World” ~Ovan to Haseo, .hack//GU
A favourite quote from the .hack//GU video game of the popular .hack video game and anime series. This also serves as this website/blog’s obligatory “hello world” – the first line of text that all programmers have printed out at one point or another at the start of their hacking journey ^_^
This website will serve as my main blog and info dump for the various personal and online projects that I work on. This includes programming projects (both software development and hardware hackery), gaming (mostly PvP videos for MMORPGs), and anime-related stuff (anime watching, figure collecting, Dollfie Dream photography, everything about TYPE-MOON, and other random otaku topics).
One thing you’ll probably already notice is that there are a few posts dated from before this blog was created (and more being added slowly). That’s the result of years of slacking/procrascination at archiving my pre-Beats years and having to catch up now @_@;”
Feel free to browse around at your will and enjoy my random ramblings. And of course, welcome and f1rst p0st! ; )
~Keripo (Philip Peng)