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Illyasviel von Einzbern 1/8 (Kotobukiya)

Went missing for two days due to the Blade & Soul CN open beta launch, but now back to picking up where I left off with moar TYPE-MOON figure reviews ;3. Today we have the lolilicious Illya

Behind that innocent smile lies a bloodthirsty doll…

This is just the first of a long series of post-unboxing, backlogged TYPE-MOON figure reviews. After moving to my new place, I set up a nice corner of the room for figure photography and took a bunch of review-style photo sets of figures as I re-unboxed them. Most of these figures are second hand, B/B grade, so keep that in mind when going through the photos.

– Type: PVC figure
– Character: Illyasviel von Einzbern
– Version:
– Series: Fate/hollow ataraxia
– Company: Kotobukiya
– Sculptor: Kiyohara Hidemasa
– Release date: 2006/08 (Standard)
– Specs: 1/8, PVC, H=110 mm (4.29 in)
– Price: ¥4200
– JAN: 4934054778133

Kotobukiya product page
MyFigureCollection entry
Suruga-ya entry

Yahoo Japan Auctions

The box

In blister pack

Simple brown base with the VN’s logo

Our cute but deadly loli~

The face is okay, could have been better

Illya sits comfortably on Berserker’s unnamed axe-sword


The sword connects to the base via some weirdly shaped rectangular stubs, probably made as such to prevent leaning? Holds pretty well, as you see from the paint transfer marks from when I detached it for this review

Connected, simple two-pieces


Gives off an ojou-sama aura…

With box

I couldn’t find any original artwork for which this figure is based off of, so here’s a CG from Fate/hollow ataraxia featuring Illya and Berserker with his sword:

Here’s a cute CG of Illya from Fate/stay night

In Fate/Zero, loli Illya was just as HNNNNGGGGG

In Fate/Kaleider Prisma Illya, however… O_o

And of course, have to include Berser-car xD


Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keripo/sets/72157641643268563/
MyFigureCollection: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/11484

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