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[RO] Killcount – Aggression Territory War, Revelation Online 2017-05-13 (NA Darkfall)

“Killcount”, territory war video for Revelation Online
Recorded by Desiree, lvl 69 Vanguard, 2017/05/14
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/keripo
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TehKeripo
Revelation Online: https://ro.my.com/
Aggression: https://ro.my.com/forum/thread/38501-agg-aggression-na-darkfall-hardcore-pvp-gvg-guild/
Discussion: https://ro.my.com/forum/thread/52424-video-killcount-aggression-territory-war-revelation-online-2017-05-13-na-darkfal/

Video footage from this weekend’s territory war on the NA Darkfall server. This was my first time TWing with Aggression and I have to say it was quite a different experience from most TW-focused I’ve been with in the past. Rather than capping points (which in the current patch of the game doesn’t really give any significant benefits), Aggression was more focused on seeking out fun anti-zerg fights and racking up kill counts (hence the video title). Despite fielding less a single raid of players, we still managed to end up with 1535 total kills by the end of the 2hr period.

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