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[PWI] 2010-06-19 Kylin vs Zulu

(Direct download)

Perfect World International Harshland Territory War – Kylin vs Zulu 2010-06-19 for Forest of Haze. Capture by Desiree, lvl 100 demon venomancer. Background music is a a 4chan remix of Gurren Lagann’s insert song “Libera me From Hell” (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVys7jcCJDs) followed by video game Portal’s ending credits song “Still Alive” by GLaDOS. This is the first TW on Harshlands with the Jone’s Blessing bless box (+30 attack levels) so everyone’s damage is increased significantly as shown in the video.

PWI Forums: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=323982

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