For my CIS 350 ”Software Design/Engineering” (University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2011) final project, we were to work together as teams to create a mobile app as a hands-on exercise with the software development cycle. And so, Team MAGi (consisting of Art Young, Austin Woodlin, Jessica Ouyang, Yash Kandoi and myself) decided to make a game, specifically one inspired by the free 2D fixed shooter game, Warning Forever. The WF clone more or less was a bullet hell (danmaku) with a simple “evolving” AI boss after each level but with no level cap (after lvl 10, it repeats), so we called the game, “BulletsForever”. Although originally programmed for Android 2.2, it still surprisingly runs decently today on my LG Spectrum 2 running Android 4.1.3.
Presentation: PDF (PPT)
Release: APK
Code: ZIP
Project: GitHub