See Flickr for the complete photo set
For photos of Tenshi no Sato, see my previous post
Tenshi no Sato (aka “Angel’s Den”) is the heaven for Volks doll owners (website). Located in Kyoto a short walk away from the JR Saga-Arashiyama station, it is a facility dedicated for allowing doll owners and their dolls to com and relax (and take pictures of course).

The building consists of five floors: basement with a shop, main floor with multiple photo-ready sets, two floors of Super Dollfie museums, and a fourth observatory deck. There’s also a cafe (closed when we went) as well as a beautiful Japanese garden surrounding the building.
Reservations must be made in advance through their website. Being foreigners, you must book a reservation through email and show up with your passport. There were a few staff who spoke English, however, so it wasn’t too bad.
I took a lot of pictures of the place in my previous blog post: Prior to visiting, I had just become an owner of a brand new Dollfie Dream (Aoi V2) and a DDH-07 head, both meant to eventually be part of my custom Arcueid DD project. Wanting to have something to photograph for Tenshi no Sato, however, I scrapped together a maid outfit set for her and a blonde wig. The result is this series of photos. This was my first time photographing a doll, so please excuse the crappy quality orz.
First, offering a prayer to the goddess in front
Nice to meet you! I am Keripo’s first Dollfie Dream! My name is… wait, I don’t have a name yet, and I don’t think I ever got one… but aren’t I cute? ^_^
Ah well, forget about that, look at these fake pretty flowers ^_^
Hehe, embarrassing family pictures…
Would you like some afternoon tea?
They say that if I point my toes inward, I look cuter
Who is this girl behind the glass?
Japanese gardens sure are beautiful~
That was a fun trip, thanks for the wonderful memories ^_^