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Japan Trip 2013 – Odaiba

See Flickr for the complete photo set

Ramen Museum, 1/1 scale RX78-2 Gundam (again!), and omnomnoms, featuring Robin!

To Odaiba!

Odaiba is modeled after famous architecture around the world… can you spot the references?

A pirate restaurant O_o We didn’t go inside though, cause tasty ramen awaited us

Welcome to the Ramen Museum!

So much ramen, not enough stomache

We each got a bowl of something different and ate outside

One didn’t make it

Daiba looks pretty nice at night

Is that…

Yup, it’s the 1/1 scale RX-78 Gundam \o/
I took more daylight pictures of it during my last trip: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/6081

It was closing time at Gundam Front so didn’t manage to take many pics. They did some rearranging in the Gunpla display area though.

We stopped by a place for some fruit parfait. Robin got some nice tastes

Stay tuned for more Japan Akihabara goodness!


MyFigureCollection: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/9518

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