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New unofficial MFC Facebook page

A long while back, MyFigureCollection.net used to have working RSS feeds, but they randomly disappeared one day. I poked around and found that there’s official MFC Facebook and Twitter pages, but neither of them seem to follow any logical order in terms of posting content (old content and new content gets mixed in, rather than just the latest like you’d expect). It seems kumasan has plans for future updates, but in the meanwhile, I decided to experiment and make my own.

After messing around with Facebook apps and RSS feed generation, I managed to set up a new Facebook page that would post the only the latest content every day. Pictures of the Day are grabbed from a custom RSS feed created with Feed43 from the PoTD page while Reader’s Selection blog posts are grabbed from a custom RSS feed from the Reader’s Selection search results page. Both feeds are then auto-posted to the Facebook page using a free dlvr.it account.

Below is the result. Like/following it will lead to only the latest Pictures of the Day and Reader’s Selection blog posts showing up in your Facebook feeds (rather than a random mix like on the official MFC page). Due to Facebook’s new naming restrictions, I had to add spaces in the name :(

My Figure Collection – Unofficial Facebook page

Hopefully kuma will have the new APIs ready one day and update the official Facebook/Twitter page posting scripts to only post the latest daily content. Til then, feel free to make use of this unofficial Facebook page…


MyFigureCollection.net: http://myfigurecollection.net/blog/22372

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