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[F/GO] Gilgamesh vs Okita: Comparative Analysis

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Gilgamesh vs Okita: Comparative Analysis
byu/Keripo ingrandorder

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# Preface
At the request of some people in the [F/GO Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatego), I’ve written up a comparative analysis of the two 5-star servants, Gilgamesh and Okita Souji. Why these two particular Servants? Honestly, I have no clue, but I was asked for it, so here it is. It is being posted here because Facebook posts format terribly (though Reddit formatting isn’t all that much better to be honest, but I digress).

This comparison is meant to be purely objective (i.e. no one cares who your waifu is) and independent of current availability (yes, we already know, Gilgamesh is currently not rollable in the gacha). To keep things comparable, we assume a baseline of the following: lvl 90, lvl 4 skills, lvl 1 NP, no CE, no status-up cards

For reference, here are the two servant profiles if you want to double check numbers:

* Gilgamesh: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6110-Fate-Grand-Order-Gameplay-Profiles?p=2034095#post2034095
* Okita: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6110-Fate-Grand-Order-Gameplay-Profiles/page4?p=2155549#post2155549


# Stats
The two 5-stars have very similar stats with Gilgamesh at 12280 atk / 13097 HP vs Okita’s 12068 atk / 13225 HP. Gilgamesh is put at a slight disadvantage due to the 0.95 Archer base multiplier (bringing him down to 11666), but it’s not all that big a difference.

# Class
Gilgamesh is an Archer, for which there is not all that many choices in the 4-5 star pool (Gilgamesh, Orion, EMIYA, Atalanta, and Nobunaga). On the other hand, Okita is a Saber, for which there are way too many 4-5 stars (Arturia, Arturia Alter, Arturia Lily, Nero, Siegfried, Attila, d’Eon, and Okita). In addition, there is currently a lack of gold Lancers (Elizabeth Bathory being the only one), which makes Archers as a class more valuable than Sabers (sorry Saberface fans).

# Active Skills
Both Gilgamesh and Okita have very different skill sets so it’s hard to compare. Gilgamesh’s Charisma A+ increases the entire part’s damage for all cards by +13.7% for 3 turns, wheras Okita’s Reduced Earth B only increases her own Quick card damage by +36% for one turn. In a long fight scenario, Gilgamesh’s party buff is significantly more useful as it affects all cards and lasts multiple turns, but in a fast NP burst scenario, Okita’s self-buff increases her NP’s damage by quite a bit. Both Gilgamesh and Okita have star absorption skills (which boosts Gilgamesh to 750 vs Okita to 735 at lvl 4), but Gilgamesh’s Collector EX is significantly better than Okita’s Weak Constitution A due to Gilgamesh’s lasting 3 turns instead of just 1. Gilgamesh’s Golden Rule A (increase NP gain rate by 29%) is not comparable with Okita’s Eye of the Mind (False) A since they serve completely different purposes. That said, Okita’s base NP gain rate of 1.09% is significantly higher than Gilgamesh’s 0.34%, giving her much better NP gain than Gilgamesh even when he’s self-buffed. Gilgamesh’s HP is en-pare with Okita’s so by having a dodge skill, Okita’s survivability becomes significantly better than Gilgamesh’s.

# Passive Skills
Both have (useless) Magic Resistance E. Gilgamesh has Divinity B, but the damage boost (+175) is negligible and having the Divinity attribute can actually work against him, e.g. vs Nobunaga. That said, Okita’s got the Saberface attribute, putting her at a disadvantage against Lancelot. Gilgamesh’s Independent Action A+ does give him a +11% crit damage bonus though, which is much more useful than Okita’s Riding E, which only gives +2% Quick damage.

#Attack Patterns
Gilgamesh has a BBAAQ pattern while Okita has a BBAQQ pattern. You would think that this makes Okita generate less NP, but because of her ridiculiusly high base NP gain rate (as mentioned before), Okita’s Quick cards actually generate almost as much NP as her Art cards. Okita is also part of the new generation of 5-stars with ridiculous crit star generation (which started with Tamamo no Mae) as her Quick card hits 5 times and she has a ridiculously high star generation value of 10.2%. Gilgamesh, on the other hand, hits 5 times for every single one of his cards (including his Extra), but has a lower rate of 7.9% and only one Quick card. With the buffed crit star generation system, this makes Okita a noticeably significantly better crit star generator than the previous King of Crit Stars.

# Noble Phantasm
Like with comparing active skills, Gilgamesh’s NP and Okita’s NP serve very different purposes. Gilgamesh’s NP is an AoE Buster. At lvl 1, Gilgamesh’s Enuma Elish does 300% base to all enemies, with a 150% super effective multiplier against Servants. Since it’s a Buster, this means 450% base damage against mobs and 675% against Servants, as well as the possibility of an additional +20% damage from a Busterr chain. Add in lvl 4 Charisma A+ and you’re looking at 511% to mobs and 767% to Servants. Overcharge for more damage against Servants. This was extremely useful during the Nero event and dango event where we had to fight waves consisting of multiple Servants, all with roughly similar HPs. Okita’s NP, on the other hand, is a single target Quick. At lvl 1, Okita’s Mumyou Sandan-Zuki does 1200% to a single target and debuffs their defense by 30%. Since it’s a Quick, this calculates to 980% damage. Add in lvl 4 Reduced Earth B and this comes out to 1333% damage. So against mobs, you’re looking at ~2.5x damage compared to Gilgamesh, but only to a single target. Against Servants, you’re only looking at ~1.7x damage compared to Gilgamesh. Which is to be expected, since one is AoE and the other is single target. Okita’s overcharge effect increases the defence debuff percentage, making it very useful against high HP bosses. Keep in mind, however, Gilgamesh’s Enuma Elish can be upgraded for an additional +100% damage (making it effectively 600% base damage). The Interlude for this is not currently in game yet though.

# Ascension Costs
Gilgamesh’s ascension mats are annoying to farm, but farmable: 6 Dragon’s Reverse Scale and 5 Heart of a Foreign God. With the recent event’s abundance of dragons and demons, however, this should be quite doable. Okita’s mats, on the other hand, are limited: 15 Infinity Gear and 10 Phoenix Plumes. The 10 plumes are farmable, but Infinity Gear are currently unfarmable. The event gives 20 though, so you can ascend her, but you’ll only get 5 left over for other Servants. Ascension costs are a one-time thing though, so they shouldn’t be factored in when comparing Servant potentials, but I’ve noted them here anyway for comparison completion sake.

#Skill Costs
Gilgamesh’s higher level skill upgrades requires some pretty annoying mats to farm: Snake Jewels and Heart of a Foreign God. Okita’s higher level skill upgrades require equally annoying mats: Talon of Chaos and Phoenix Plumes. Pick your poison. Like with ascension costs, skill upgrade costs are irrelevant to when comparing Servant potentials.


# Conclusion
Stat-wise, both Gilgamesh and Okita are more or less the same. Gilgamesh’s skills lend more towards longer fights and party support while Okita’s lends more toward shorter burst fights. The most important factor, however, is their Noble Phantasm. While we saw Gilgamesh shine during the multi-servant boss events (such as the new lvl 90 Honnoji event), most fights so far tend to be in the format of 1 Big Boss + minions. This gives Okita a big advantage since her NP does high single target damage and debuffs them for more damage over the next few turns. That said, there are many better single target NP candidates (such as Kintoki, Heracles and even the recent Anne & Mary) and it is usually the endurance, multi-boss fights that end up being “harder”, so Gilgamesh stands uncontested here.

**tl;dr: Both are good, but they serve very different purposes. For regular single-boss fight, Okita’s more useful due to her single target NP. For AoE grinding and final event boss fights with multiple Servants, Gilgamesh still rules supreme.**


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