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Tag Archives: Projects


ZeroNet Alpha Testing!!! Well, after finally getting the podzilla legacy compiling environment set up, big thanks to mundi-my-man, I’ve found time to finally put together the ZeroNet system and make some few starting modules for alpha testing! The system requires a fresh re-installation as it uses a modified userland that has an integrated and fully working advanced-rc system in-place. Best yet, because of these modifications, once the base system installation is done, you’ll (hopefully) never need to touch that linux partition ever again – all module files and dependancies will exist outside in the data/music partition, where its easy access …

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iPod Tools Package – All the programs you’ll ever need

I’ve read me “Help my ipod’s broken!” posts, but the responses sometimes vary, with some suggesting this tool and others suggesting others . In addition, having an iPod nano, I am use to bringing along with me a whole list of portable programs that I run straight from the iPod itself. When I reinstalled my computer a while ago, however, I forgot to back up some of those programs and thus I had to search for and redownload most of them. And so, seeing as I had quite a collection at hand, now I’ve decided to package it up nicely …

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Advanced rc system – looking for help and suggestions

In prep for ZeroNet, I’ve created a more customizable and flexible bootup system. The single file rc startup script meant that customization required editing the single file, and if you screwed up, you’ll have to go from the start. In addition, adding and removing snippets of the script was a hassle. After observing the method used for start files and researching a bit about the Linux bash file, I took the old rc script apart and rearranged it into a series of scripts that can be easily edited. Not only does this allow easy modification to only certain parts of …

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Podzilla2 The Day of the Devil Scheme

Well, today is June 6, 2006. Or, in shorthand, 6/6/06. The Day of the Devil V_V And so I decided to have a little fun and cook up a new Podzilla 2 scheme for y’all. Took a few bloody cross pics I found on Google, Photoshoped em together and resized it all for each png. The original scheme file from which I modified it from were eddie19913’s Sadistic (Red) theme and terrabyte’s Plasma theme. This theme is very similar to eddie’s except with changed graphics. All pngs were converted to a palete of 24 and may have an impact on …

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NOTE! If you are using the newest iPod Updater from the Apple site, you’ll need to downgrade to an older updater! Installer 2 will not work with the newest updater! See the “Bugs” section. This now uses Installer 2 for ease! In addition, if you selected iPodLoader 2 as the bootloader, this also installs Rockbox along with iPodLinux! This may work for other models (its basically the same infrastructure) but I won’t make any guarantees! Some files (such as the iBoy file that is built specifically for the nano) will need to be replaced with the model’s equivalent or changed. …

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