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[FW-NA] The Zerg Effect

(Direct download)

Forsaken World North America (Closed Beta 1) 2010-11-12 PvP – The Zerg Effect. RageQuit and Condottieri from Godlike Alliance vs Immortals, PIGuild, Aurora, and a few others. Captured by Moonlite, lvl 30 marksman (loli). Background music is Black Lagoon’s TV OP “Red fraction” by MELL, followed by “Falling Down (The Prodigy Version)” by Oasis. First half was recorded at “half-size” but second part I remembered to switch my FRAPS settings back to “full size”.

The focus of this video was really the zerg effect, in which case our opponents strongly outnumbered us in all instances but we still were able to win due to our organization. The first “war” spouted from a few red named Immortals deciding to RPK white names outside of Nightmare Carnival, myself being one of the victims. After calling a few backups, Immortals decided to bring the entire guild with help from PI, which we responded to (even though we were vastly outnumbered). The second war was the follow up on that after we left and they decided to bring things to Towerpush Town.

Even though this was probably one of the largest scale wars so far in Forsaken World’s Closed Beta 1, I imagine that the number of participants is still far less than what would be in a real full-scale war. As you can see in some of the footage, gameplay is extremely laggy and target selection is a nightmare (not to mention that the lack of an alliance system meant RQs AoEing Conds and vice versa). The laggyness may have been due to the fact that my laptop was on the entire day, but the target selection lag is a known issue. A better, more detailed and filtered “T-screen” (aka nearby players screen) like in PWI would have helped majorly and be well appreciated. Showing the guild tag in your target window would also be nice. Hopefully this will change as we get more updates from FW-CN.

RageQuit Inc.: http://rqclan.com
Forsaken World Forums: http://fw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=57581

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