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[PWI] 2011-05-13 Crimson vs Kylin

(Direct download)

Perfect World International Harshland Territory War – Crimson vs Kylin 2011-05-13 for Hidden Orchid. Capture by Desiree, lvl 101 demon venomancer. Background music are “Fireflies (DJ Strobe Remix)” originally by Owl City and remixed by DJ Strobe, “Falling Down (The Prodigy Version)” originally by Oasis and remixed by The Prodigy, and “Atomic” by She.

Was quite an interesting TW, the first big one I’ve had in a while ; ) It still shocks me how ridiculous the difference gear can make nowadays – a pure vit arcane veno getting hit for 20k from a +12 9jun wizard is just too much ; (

The music choice for this video is quite unusual as I usually stick with anime music, but not this time. I was inspired by some of the AMVs I watched; here are the originals:
Around The World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfOWz_RJBz8
Fallen Soul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43xTYlsRa0k
Electric Emotion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ylh10aet6v0

PWI Forums: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=323982

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