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Dance With Your Hands

For my ESE 350 ”Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems” (University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2011) final project, I worked with my friend Eric Chen on modifying Beats so it would take input from an XBOX Kinect. The result is a Kinect hooked up to a Beagleboard-xM running Android and playing Beats. It was all proof-of-concept of course as everything ran with extreme lag, but it was pretty cool nevertheless and fun!

(Direct download)
Proof-of-concept gameplay demo of Beats 1.5.5b with Microsoft XBOX Kinect support. The song used in this demo is “Chaoz Impact” by ParagonX9, stepfile by Lisek with permission for distribution with Beats. The person learning to “dance with his hands” in the demo is my lab partner, Eric Chen while I (Philip Peng) am recording the video.

Demo presentation
Demo video
Code (Mirror)
Binaries (Mirror)
Final report
GitHub Project

For installation instructions, download all the files in the “install/” folder and skip down to “5. b)” in the report.

Demo Presentation






Kinect detection for up/down/left/right
Kinect detection for up/down/left/right
Me waving my hands around at the Kinect
Me waving my hands around at the Kinect
Eric waving his hands around at the Kinect
Eric waving his hands around at the Kinect
Beagleboard-xM running Ubuntu with Kinect
Beagleboard-xM running Ubuntu with Kinect
StepMania running
StepMania running
Lets install Android on the Beagleboard-xM
Lets install Android on the Beagleboard-xM
Beats 1.5.5b running on Beagleboard-xM
Beats 1.5.5b running on Beagleboard-xM
openFrameworks Sample running on Android running on Beagleboard-xM
openFrameworks Sample running on Android running on Beagleboard-xM
Demo station setup in the lab
Demo station setup in the lab
Hello Kitty cooling fan \o/
Hello Kitty cooling fan \o/
Eric shows off his mad skillz
Eric shows off his mad skillz
Mission accomplished!
Mission accomplished!

DanceWithYourHands: http://dancewithyourhands.blogspot.com
BeatsPortable: http://beatsportable.com/2011/05/beats-kinect-win/
BeatsPortable Forums: http://beatsportable.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1023

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