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[GW2] Fly Away

(Direct download)

2012-04-27 – “Fly Away” – Guild Wars 2 PvP video.
Recorded by Valkyrie of RageQuit Inc. PvP Warrior, rifle-axe burst-crit build.
Song info shown at the end of the video.

After making my first GW2 PvP video (“Critical Hit” v=S0kTqCy8un8), I realized I had enough leftover random footage of group PvP to make a second video. As of the moment, the “queue as group” functionality of PvP isn’t implemented yet, so this is just a few clips of me messing around in PvP, some of which with other RQ members. As for the song choice… the fluidity of PvP in GW2 made me “fly away” ; )

RageQuit Inc.: http://rqclan.com/
Guild Wars 2: http://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/
GW2 Beta Forums: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/community/fangen/PvP-Video-Fly-Away-Guild-Wars-2-PvP/
GW2Guru: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/videos/view-28-fly-away-guild-wars-2-warrior-pvp/

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