“Hold The Gate”, territory war video for Black Desert Online, Edan (NA) server, 2016/07/24 Recorded by DesireeNA, lvl 56 Witch Kyoukai: http://kyoukai-pvp.com/forums/ Black Desert Online: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/ Discussion: http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?/topic/104522-video-hold-the-gate-black-desert-online-kyoukai-territory-war-2016-07-24-edan/ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/4ucqct/video_hold_the_gate_black_desert_online_kyoukai/ This weekend’s Balenos territory war on the Edan (NA) server between Kyoukai + Novus + Critical against Lethality + CoTP + Reapers + Paradigm + EvilPhoenix (previously MalumFactum). Was a super long but fun 3v5 fight that we managed to finish with just under 15 minutes left on the clock (conquest forts take a long, long time to break!). In the forum post for the last video, someone mentioned Kyoukai …
Read More »[BDO] Low Tier – Kyoukai Node War 2016-07-18 (Edan)
“Low Tier”, node war video for Black Desert Online, Edan (NA) server, 2016/07/18 Recorded by DesireeNA, lvl 56 Witch Kyoukai: http://kyoukai-pvp.com/forums/ Black Desert Online: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/ Discussion: http://forum.blackdesertonline.com/index.php?/topic/103150-video-low-tier-black-desert-kyoukai-node-war-2016-07-18-edan/ Video footage from this Monday’s node war for the Omar Lava Cave Tier 2 node on the Edan (NA) server. It was Kyoukai and our ally, Critical, against MalumFalcum, Volun, and Paradigm. Despite it being a 2v3, we ended up wiping out all three guilds with ease, quite ironic given that a few members of their alliance was calling Kyoukai a “low tier guild” in channel chat prior to the start of node …
Read More »[BDO] Into the Sky – Kyoukai Node War 2016-07-17 (Edan)
“Into the Sky”, node war video for Black Desert Online, Edan (NA) server, 2016/07/17 Recorded by DesireeNA, lvl 56 Witch Kyoukai: http://kyoukai-pvp.com/forums/ Black Desert Online: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/ Video footage from this weekend’s node war for the Western Guard Camp Tier 3 node on the Edan (NA) server. This was the first node war day of the official siege season. The war turned out to be a 1v1 with Kyoukai against Prey, lasting over 2 hrs before the channel server crashed (resulting in neither guilds winning the node and promised server investigations by the GMs). Regardless, it was a fun long fight, …
Read More »[BDO] Kyoukai vs The World – Kyoukai Territory War 2016-07-09 (Edan)
“Kyoukai vs The World”, territory war video for Black Desert Online, Edan (NA) server Recorded by DesireeNA, lvl 56 Witch Kyoukai: http://kyoukai-pvp.com/forums/ Black Desert Online: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/ Video footage from this weekend’s territory war for the Balenos territory on the Edan (NA) server. Our allied guilds were unable to place their forts (no space available), so we ended up fighting solo against a 6-guild alliance consisting of MalumFactum, Paradigm, KGB, Lethality, Volun, and Reapers. We were drastically outnumbered and it ended up being a 40-minute long defence war, after which Volun was fed the territory through a dice roll (from what …
Read More »[BnS] Platinum Ninja – Blade Dancer Arena PvP (Blade & Soul)
“Platinum Ninja”, 1v1 Arena PvP video for Blade & Soul NA, Mushin server Recorded by Desiree, lvl 45 Blade Dancer Build: https://bnstree.com/BD Blade & Soul: http://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/ I was digging through my video recordings folder and found really old footage of me hitting Platinum for 1v1 arenas prior to the PvP season (aka right before arena got flooded with Destroyer/KFM bots). It’s not really impressive footage but figured I might as well upload it since I don’t have any other recordings of me PvPing in Blade & Soul. Plus I did promise myself to use “Ninja Re Bang Bang” in one …
Read More »[BDO] DP Damage Reduction Scaling Calculations
Reddit post: DP Damage Reduction Scaling Calculations byu/Keripo inblackdesertonline Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for To accompany the previous [AP damage scaling calculations](https://www.reddit.com/r/blackdesertonline/comments/4iow0q/ap_damage_scaling_calculations/), I did some DP damage reduction scaling tests. This time, I used my lvl 55 witch at 110 AP against a lvl 52 warrior with 188 DP. Again, Multiple Magic Missiles was used and the hit counts factored into the calculations. I tested against 188/170/139/107/0 DP by having the test target warrior take off pieces of armour. Each set of trials was 50 tests. Unlike the AP calculations, the DP damage reduction calculations weren’t so conclusive. While damage reduction …
Read More »[BDO] AP Damage Scaling Calculations
Reddit post: AP Damage Scaling Calculations byu/Keripo inblackdesertonline Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for **Edit:** I accidentally checked “Set intersect to 0” in the original graph, which forced the equation to go through (0,0). After unchecking this, the updated equation becomes “y = 0.561x + 0.6283”, which is likely inaccurate as it would mean a calculated positive damage at 0 AP (of course, in-game the damage may round up to 1, but that’d be due to a forced minimum damage rather than the scaling). This indicates either the data being drastically effected by a margin of error (due to small sample size) …
Read More »[F/GO] All Servant Summoning and Final Ascension Lines (Fate/Grand Order)
Summoning and final ascension lines for all 91 currently available Servants in Fate/Grand Order (as of 2016/03/07). Mashu not included and missing 4th ascension line for Santa Saber Alter (3rd ascension shown instead). Recorded by Keripo using Mobizen (Android screen mirroring app) and OBS (Open Broadcasting Software). Screen mirroring connection was over Wi-Fi and upscaled from 720p, so the quality’s a bit low in some areas and audio is slightly delayed. Here’s the timestamps 0:09 アーラシュ / Arash 0:35 アステリオス / Asterios 1:00 アタランテ / Atalanta 1:18 アルジュナ / Arjuna 1:50 アルテラ / Attila 2:17 アルトリア・ペンドラゴン / Artoria Pendragon 2:42 …
Read More »[BnS] Mushin Tower Floor 7 Junghado – Blade Dancer (Blade & Soul)
Mushin Tower Floor 7 (Junghado) for Blade & Soul NA, Mushin server Recorded by Desiree, lvl 45 Blade Dancer Build: https://bnstree.com/BD Blade & Soul: http://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/ Been running Mushin Tower repeatedly over the last few days for farming Warrior Tokens and decided to record a random Junghado run for a guildie. I like to play around with KDs and aerial combos more than necessary (PvP force of habit) so there’s definitely a lot of low-DPS periods and it’s definitely not the fastest you’ll see out there. I also realized that I haven’t actually recorded enough video footage for a proper opening, …
Read More »[F/GO] London + Rolls + Feeding Mashu 5-stars (Fate/Grand Order)
London full clear, followed by rolling for NP5 Frankenstein, followed by feeding Mashu 5-stars. Music playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrAViPITY6M&list=PL3F1E7C9FB1F34242 Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/409snp/livestream_london_rolls_feeding_mashu/
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