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Building my new desktop

After 5 years of gaming on a laptop, I finally decided to go all out this Black Friday and build myself a powerful gaming desktop. After some researching around (aka poking around Logical Increments and Tom’s Hardware) and getting some advice/assistance from friends, I put together my first desktop, a pretty mean machine too. And of course, this called for many pictures as well as an obligatory FRAPS test. Blade & Soul (CN) at max settings, killing a random world boss. YouTube compression completely killed the video quality unfortunately :( See the higher quality version here

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How game hacks work and why they usually aren’t fixed

This post was originally written for Guild Wars 2 (specifically in explaining why ArenaNet hasn’t stopped fly hackers stealing orbs in WvW yet), but applies to pretty much any and every online game with damage/fly/wall/aim-bot hacks. In this post, there are two sections: “How does game hacking work?” and “What kinds of hacks are there?” I’m reposting it here after hearing about the recent Final Fantasy XIV hack as it is a “how-in-the-world-was-this-even-allowed-to-happen” example of a network connection hack described in the last section, although technically no game client is even needed in FFXIV’s case and no decryption is necessary …

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Hello World!

Welcome… to “The World” ~Ovan to Haseo, .hack//GU A favourite quote from the .hack//GU video game of the popular .hack video game and anime series. This also serves as this website/blog’s obligatory “hello world” – the first line of text that all programmers have printed out at one point or another at the start of their hacking journey ^_^ This website will serve as my main blog and info dump for the various personal and online projects that I work on. This includes programming projects (both software development and hardware hackery), gaming (mostly PvP videos for MMORPGs), and anime-related stuff …

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[Tera] Monday Night Fights

(Direct download) “Monday Night Fights” – Tera Open World PvP video. Recorded by Desiree of Incognito. lvl 60 Elin sorceress. Lake of Tears PvP server. This is a collection of some of the longer snippets from 2013-03-04 and 2013-03-11 Monday night open world PvP fights. Since there was a lot and lot of short skirmishes followed by safezone hugging, I didn’t have much material to work with so I just chose some of the longer clips (video still turned out far shorter than I wanted – oh well). These were also my first two mass PvP sessions outside of monotonous …

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[GW2] Elementalist WvW Cookie-Cutter Build

Build: Focus: WvW, AoE Weapon: Staff, Sigil of Bloodlust Gear: Power/Toughness/Vitality (“Soldier” or “Invader” gear), Runes of Divinity Role: Your role is to backline in groups, casting ranged AoEs on enemies. Build: http://en.gw2codex.com/build/9246-wvw-cookie-cutter-elementalist

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[GW2] Night Crew Ninjas

(Direct download) “Night Crew Ninjas” – Guild Wars 2 WvW video. Contains material from 2012-10-02 to 2012-10-03, Blackgate vs Dragonbrand vs Fort Aspenwood Recorded by [RQ] Valkyrja Flame of RageQuit Inc. lvl 80 staff elemental, hybrid build. The edited song clip in the intro is from “Borderlands” by Mami Kawada. Background music info is shown at the end of the video. Usage of copyright audio content is for non-commercial purposes and permissible under Fair Use. This video focuses on the condensed half-hour ninja of Shadaran Hills by a small team of [RQ] members while the main force put pressure elsewhere …

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[GW2] Beastgate Borderlands

(Direct download) “Beastgate Borderlands” – Guild Wars 2 WvW video. Contains material from 2012-09-21 to 2012-09-22, Blackgate vs Yak’s Bend vs Gates of Madness Recorded by [RQ] Valkyrja Flame of RageQuit Inc. lvl 80 staff elemental, hybrid build. The edited song clip in the intro is from “Borderlands” by Mami Kawada. Background music info is shown at the end of the video. Usage of copyright audio content is for non-commercial purposes and permissible under Fair Use. Various clips of WvW action on the Borderlands, from the perspective of the Blackgate server. As I was busy most of the time leading …

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[GW2] Beastgate Borderlands (Bonus Material)

(Direct download) “Beastgate Borderlands (Bonus Material)” – Guild Wars 2 WvW video. Contains material from 2012-09-21 to 2012-09-22, Blackgate vs Yak’s Bend vs Gates of Madness Recorded by [RQ] Valkyrja Flame of RageQuit Inc. lvl 80 staff elemental, hybrid build. The edited song clip in the intro is from “Borderlands” by Mami Kawada. Short song clip after the intro is the first few seconds of “You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)” by Dead Record. Usage of copyright audio content is for non-commercial purposes and permissible under Fair Use. These are various random clips of interest captured over the past …

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[GW2] FRAPS Test

(Direct download) 2012-09-04 – “FRAPS Test” – Guild Wars 2 Blackgate WvW. Recorded by Valkyrja Flame [RQ] of RageQuit Inc. Song info shown at the end of the video. No copyright infringements intended. This is NOT a complete video. This is a short clip for testing how well FRAPS works with Guild Wars 2 and Mumble at 1600×900. The test video simply shows me log in for the first time, create the guild, then load into WvW, no actual gameplay footage. My external hard-drive broke prior to launch (new one should be arriving some time this week) so this is …

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[GW2] Critical Hit

(Direct download) 2012-04-27 – “Critical Hit” – Guild Wars 2 PvP video. Recorded by Valkyrie of RageQuit Inc. PvP Warrior, rifle-axe burst-crit build. Song info shown at the end of the video. This is PvP footage from the first Guild Wars 2 open beta weekend (for those who pre-purchased the game). Was extremely busy this week with school work so this video only contains FRAPS capture from a few hours of gameplay. The game ran pretty smoothly on my Dell XPS 17 laptop, but network lag was quite problematic (e.g. see the second fight against the charr warrior). There was …

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