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Tag Archives: Projects

Installer2 Unofficial SVN Build: Happy New Year from Keripo!

Update: Mainstream fixes have been made; the official Installer 2 will be up and functioning again soon! Download the latest builds here Here’s a little gift for the new year :wink: This is an unofficial build of Installer 2 from SVN (r2269). It worked straight-out-of-the-box (or archive in this case) with my freshly-iTunes-7.5-restored iPod nano, installing the latest userland, kernel and podzilla2 nightlies without issues (no “Sysinfo fix” needed either!). The networked version downloads files listed at http://ipl.derpapst.org/wiki/User:Keripo/Unofficial_sources (please DO NOT EDIT the page if you haven’t asked me or someone knowledgeable first), but you can also install things offline …

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Efficient coding with strings…

I’m currently creating a modified podzilla 2 build with a few custom functions. The first is loading modules from different locations specified by the passed argments (ie “Podzilla2-Mod /usr/lib/Media /usr/lib/Misc” loads modules from both the “/usr/lib/Media” and “/usr/lib/Misc” folders, and any other ones I may add on). I’ve already got that implemented and fully working. The second one is menu path sorting based on the module’s current folder location. While I have things working nicely at the moment, due to my lack of string manipulation knowledge in C, I’m pretty sure my code at the moment is quite ineffective (memory-wise …

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Project ZeroSlackr (Testing Release)

This is a testing release that tests MPD with ZeroLauncher. It installs the latest svn’d alpha build of ZeroLauncher with modified mpd and mpdc modules (modified 0.4 versions with mpd-ke), as well as updated SVN schemes and fonts, a freshly recompiled kernel (should be the same though) and the stable, official loader 2.5r5 (I’ll compile my own later). Install by running the “ZeroSlackr-Installer-ZL+MPD-Test-Release.bat” batch file. It should install Loader2 and extract the ZeroSlackr system. If you’ve installed the Sneak Peak release of ZeroSlackr, please disable the old SlackrPacks by remove the old “Packs” folder (or just renaming it to something …

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Keripo Kernel Builds: Loop-mount/Normal + iBoy Patches

I was in the process of setting up Project ZeroSlackr‘s SVN properly (using patches rather than hard-coding) and I finally perfected my auto-compiling script for the kernel. And since I’ve seen a large demand for such kernels, heres a pre-release of my unofficial kernel builds. The archive contains two kernel versions; a normal one and one that uses the loop-mount method (i.e. DataGhost’s non-partitioning installation method), which is compatible with ZeroSlackr and Ari’s iPodLinux Manager. Both versions also have the latest SVN patches (revision 2257 I believe from today) as well as the iBoy volume patches for the newer iBoy …

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Project ZeroSlackr (Sneak Peak)

Its Sneaky Peaky Time! ReadMe from Keripo.txt wrote: \\ ========================= // ………………..ZeroSlackr iPL …………….Created by Keripo ……….Sneak Preview [2007/9/17] // ========================= \\ This is a sneak preview release of the upcoming ZeroSlackr system for iPodLinux. As of writing, ZeroSlackr is a custom installational framework for iPodLinux that integrates numerous customized and unofficial iPL applications created by the iPodLinux community. This sneak preview version uses the most up-to-date code and materials available. This means that it contains many unstable applications and code, some possibly still in their alpha/beta stages; things will freeze, crash, and possibly explode. Again, neither the original authors …

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Podzilla 2 Modified: Modules & Schemes on Data Partition

Here’s a modified version of podzilla 2 (from SVN, July 4th, thanks Rufus!) configured so that most paths are relative. Everything is in one neat folder to be placed in the main data partition. Paths have been modified so that modules and scheme files are read from the data partition instead of the Linux partition (yay for Windows users!). No symlinks are required and you won’t get any type of “blackboxes” or scheme saving problems (if you followed things correctly). All modifications are referenced to a single “mods.h” header file (with the exception of a few in-code customizations). Everything was …

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Podzilla 2 & 0 Compiling Tutorial for Newbies (via Slax)

Update: A new, more complete tutorial-in-progress can be found on the Introduction_to_Compiling_for_iPodLinux page. Please try it out and leave feedback in the Talks page. Foreword… This is a tutorial that helps you compile podzilla 2, podzilla 0 and related applications using a non-install, user-friendly environment. This tutorial uses the live Linux distro Slax and some Slax modules that I created for iPL application compiling, which were release > here < [/url]. Since Slax is a live-CD distro (ie. it boots from a CD and requires no installation nor leave any traces), compiling can be done on almost any computer anywhere …

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iPodLinux Podzilla 0 and Podzilla 2 Compiling Environment for Slax

Intro This is the release of podzilla 0 and podzilla 2 compiling libraries packaged as Slax modules. They were created on Slax (KillBill) and can be treated as ordinary Slax modules. The “Compiling Environment” can be uselivemod’d, but the “Toolchain” modules may be too big. For the clueless, Slax is a live Linux distro that can be run from CD, USB or hard-drive – if you’re new to Slax (or Linux or live-CDs), check it out first before even downloading these modules). [Note: Not compatible with Slax 6] The “iPL_Compiling_Environment” module contains the basic libraries needed to compile both …

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Podzilla 2 Compiling Tutorial from Scratch (via Cygwin)

This is ONLY for compiling Podzilla 2 for the iPod on Windows using Cygwin! (ie, this is not for desktop builds!) Note for those with slow internet: Some of the files needed (especially the toolchain) require a long time to download. I suggest you skip right down to the download section and start downloading the necessary files (you shouldn’t download the second toolchain file though) before you continue on. Well, due to much thanks from mike (ichaelmay8), I’ve been able to fully set up a Cygwin compiling environment in Windows XP SP2 without any previous development files. I was able …

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Podzilla2 Halloween Scheme

Well, due to school-related reasons, I haven’t had a chance to release this in time (3 days late ain’t bad…) , but nevertheless, here’s a full Halloween-themed PZ2 scheme, suitable for colour and mono iPods. Here’s some snapshots made by the Jonrelay’s Scheme Editor: There’s two versions for download. The first is an experimental one where the used files are held together in a neatly organized folder. I hope this one works as that would mean future schemes would not need scattered files but rather just contain one scheme file and one folder (similar to how the Rockbox WPS’ work). …

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