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Tag Archives: repost-reddit

[BDO] AP Damage Scaling Calculations

Reddit post: AP Damage Scaling Calculations byu/Keripo inblackdesertonline Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for **Edit:** I accidentally checked “Set intersect to 0” in the original graph, which forced the equation to go through (0,0). After unchecking this, the updated equation becomes “y = 0.561x + 0.6283”, which is likely inaccurate as it would mean a calculated positive damage at 0 AP (of course, in-game the damage may round up to 1, but that’d be due to a forced minimum damage rather than the scaling). This indicates either the data being drastically effected by a margin of error (due to small sample size) …

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Sakura-Con 2016

It’s that time of year again: Sakura-Con 2016! Sakura-Con is the largest anime convention in the north west, with over 20,000 attendees and held this year at the Washington State Convention Center (Seattle, Washington) between March 25-27th. This was my third year attending, having attended and blogged about both 2015 and 2014. This time around, I didn’t have any panel topics in mind so I just attended (once again) as volunteer staff this year for tournament gaming. The scheduling this year also wasn’t all that interesting so I spent most of my free time just wandering around looking for Fate …

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[F/GO] All Servant Summoning and Final Ascension Lines (Fate/Grand Order)

Summoning and final ascension lines for all 91 currently available Servants in Fate/Grand Order (as of 2016/03/07). Mashu not included and missing 4th ascension line for Santa Saber Alter (3rd ascension shown instead). Recorded by Keripo using Mobizen (Android screen mirroring app) and OBS (Open Broadcasting Software). Screen mirroring connection was over Wi-Fi and upscaled from 720p, so the quality’s a bit low in some areas and audio is slightly delayed. Here’s the timestamps 0:09 アーラシュ / Arash 0:35 アステリオス / Asterios 1:00 アタランテ / Atalanta 1:18 アルジュナ / Arjuna 1:50 アルテラ / Attila 2:17 アルトリア・ペンドラゴン / Artoria Pendragon 2:42 …

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[F/GO] The end of a long journey – all Servant smiles protected

Reddit post: The end of a long journey – all Servant smiles protected byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-pasted archives: Spoiler for In total: * 205 days * + 1143 pieces * + 1143 monuments * + 661 ascension items * + 100’s of millions of QP * + a lot of time, money, and dedication * = all 88 smiles protected :) Missed the screenshot for Scathach’s final ascension and stuck on 3rd ascension for Saber Alter (Santa) cause I missed most of the Christmas event, but that’s that. I’ll probably still roll tomorrow night for the new Kara no Kyoukai collab …

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[F/GO] London Drop Rate Table

Reddit post: London Drop Rate Table byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for Location|AP|Level|Infinity Gear|Forbidden Page|Homunculus Baby|Void Dust|Unlucky Bone|Runs :–|–:|–:|–:|–:|–:|–:|–:|–:| Regent Park|16|44|4|0|–|–|–|50 Clerkenwell|18|60|12|–|–|–|23|50 Old Street|15|42|7|–|–|–|–|50 Soho|16|44|3|–|7|11|–|50 City of London|15|42|–|–|9|–|–|50 White Chapel|15|42|5|–|–|0|–|50 Hyde Park|20|68|–|7|–|–|11|50 West Minister|16|44|–|–|6|–|7|50 Southwark|19|64|–|–|15|–|14|50 # Recommendations * **Infinity Gear**: Clerkenwell * **Forbidden Page**: Hyde Park * **Homunculus Baby**: Southwark * **Void Dust**: Just do regular ascension item dailies * **Unlucky Bone**: Fuyuki X-G is still better than Clerkenwell if you just need bones * **Monuments/pieces**: Just do regular ascension item dailies, the drop rate is way too low (I did not record, but it was insignificant) # Notes * …

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[F/GO] NP Damage Comparisons

Reddit post: NP Damage Comparisons (aka the "Whose NP is better?" spreadsheet) byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for # Full Spreadsheet Here’s the full spreadsheet: * Spreadsheet: http://1drv.ms/1OnZwOc * Servant profiles: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6110-Fate-Grand-Order-Gameplay-Profiles * Damage calculation formula: http://blogs.nrvnqsr.com/entry.php/3309-How-is-damage-calculated Changelog: * 2016/05/26: Added Alexander^ and Darius III^ and updated Jing Ke, Alexander, Lu Bu with Strengthening Quest buffs * 2016/05/06: Added Fate/Accel Zero servants per Chinese datamine, added note on Angra Mainyu, minor fixes * 2016/04/21: Updated Gilgamesh^ * 2016/04/20: Added all new event+America servants, bumped up all active buffs to lvl 6 instead of lvl 4 * 2016/03/13: Added Beowulf^ * …

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[F/GO] Arturia vs Attila: Comparative Analysis

Reddit post: Arturia vs Attila: Comparative Analysis byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for Got requested on Chatango to share my Arturia vs Attila comparison post, so here it is. *Edit:* Rewrote the Skills section and updated the NP section with more calcations. *** #Stats Arturia: http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6110-Fate-Grand-Order-Gameplay-Profiles?p=2034057#post2034057 * 11221 ATK / 15150 HP * Riding B: +8% Quick dmg * Magic Resistance A: +20.0% debuff resistance * Charisma B: Party buff atk +11.7% (+18%) for 3 turns * Mana Burst A: Self-buff Buster +36% (+50%) for 1 turn * Instinct A: Gain 8 (15) stars for 1 turn * Excalibur A …

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[F/GO] Team Damage Comparisons: Buster vs Arts vs Quick

Reddit post: Team Damage Comparisons: Buster vs Arts vs Quick (Warning: Contains Math!) byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for # The Intro With the ever-growing new generation of multi-hit 5-star servants and massive buffing to crit star generation, many people have been wondering about exactly how “good” are they really. And as the internet tends to do, there will be many heated back-forth discussions/arguments about what team is better and who does the most damage. Are Berserker Buster teams the best, or are NP spam Arts teams #1? Or have the new Crit star Quick teams become the new OP …

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[F/GO] Gilgamesh vs Okita: Comparative Analysis

Reddit post: Gilgamesh vs Okita: Comparative Analysis byu/Keripo ingrandorder Copy-paste archive: Spoiler for # Preface At the request of some people in the [F/GO Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatego), I’ve written up a comparative analysis of the two 5-star servants, Gilgamesh and Okita Souji. Why these two particular Servants? Honestly, I have no clue, but I was asked for it, so here it is. It is being posted here because Facebook posts format terribly (though Reddit formatting isn’t all that much better to be honest, but I digress). This comparison is meant to be purely objective (i.e. no one cares who your waifu …

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