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[Vocaloid2] Love is War ~Lily Concert Ver~

(Direct download)

Love is War ~Lily Concert Ver~
Cover by VOCALOID2「Lily」

Original song 「恋は戦争」 written
by ryo (Supercell) for Miku Hatsune
(VOCALOID2「Hatsune Miku – CV01」)

Recompiled by Keripo based on
VSQ by Cover-P (sango312)
Original artwork by きらばがに

Downloads: http://keripo.com/static/anime/vocaloid/music/
NicoNico Douga: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12114380

Original video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm2397344
Cover-P (sango312)’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/sango312
きらばがに’s pixiv page: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1107124
VOCALOID2 Lily’s official website: http://www.ssw.co.jp/products/vocal/lily/index.html
VOCALOID2’s official website: http://www.vocaloid.com/

Audio software: VOCALOID2 with Lily voice-bank, Audacity 1.2.6
Video software: Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0, SUPER Video Converter
Modifications: minor tweaks to sango312’s VSQ file, audio-effects via Audacity

Modified Lily voice configuration:
Breathiness: -127 / Brightness: 50 / Clearness: -70 / Gender Factor: -22 / Opening: 127

This is also my first real experiment/learning experience with VOCALOID2 software so you’ll notice quite a lot of rough edges on some words (and a failed attempt at microphone distortion at 2:15 )

VocaloidOtaku.net: http://www.vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/topic/7410-%E3%80%8Cvocaloid2-lily%E3%80%8D-love-is-war-lily-concert-ver/

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